Loving yourself is about self-acceptance, but it reaches far beyond that too. It’s a deliberate act of kindness you extend to yourself in a way that you’d extend to others. If you find that it’s far too easy to be kinder to others than you are to yourself, you are long overdo in acts of self-love. Read more
Don’t Wait! Start Your New Year’s Resolution Right Now!
Some people think they have to wait until the end of the year to create a new year’s resolution. In reality, you can set exciting new goals during any time of the year!
In fact, you could even start a new resolution today. All it takes is a bit of determination and a smart goal setting strategy. Read more
Is the Media Over Influencing Our Perception of Beauty?
We have a culture that tells little girls they are ornaments and their worth lies in how good they look. This is fed by the media.
Our media consistently shows women who are flawless because their photos have been altered in one way or another. Read more
5 Simple Health Tips for Women
There are many things we can do to take care of ourselves, but there are a few tips that will make the biggest impact in your life. These five simple health tips will enable you to have control over your health and happiness. Read more
5 Ways to Stay Positive When Life Gets You Down
There is a lot to distract you from positivity. It’s time to get rid of those distractions by focusing on what’s important. Practice these five impactful ways to stay positive. You will start to love your life when you do. Read more
5 Ways to Keep Your Dreams Alive
Each and every one of us is born with a dream in our hearts. Over time, though, we come up with excuses to stop pursuing these dreams. This is often the result of settling for something that we make ourselves believe is just as good.
Maybe you squash aspirations of going to college because you keep saying, “A high school diploma is basically as good as a college degree.” However, you don’t have to let your dreams die. Here are five ways that you can keep them alive. Read more
5 Reasons You Should Exercise Regularly
Exercising has several benefits that can help you have a healthy life. Check out these five reasons you should be exercising regularly. Read more
What Am I Good At? 5 Ways to Find Out
If you’re having trouble finding what you are good at doing, you are not alone. Many women struggle to find their strengths and don’t know where to begin. Learning what you are good at helps you find your best career options, but it also lets you discover hobbies you love.
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